API Reference


Application feedback forms support a variety of field types.

Requires the candidatesWrite permission.

The values accepted for each field depend on the type of field that's being filled out: |

  • Boolean - A boolean value
  • Date - A date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • Email - A valid email address
  • Number - An integer
  • RichText - We do not support submitting rich text documents via the API but we do support submitting plain text values for these fields. Plain text values must be submitted in the format { type: "PlainText", value: "A plain text string" }
  • Score - An integer between 1 and 4 submitted in the format { score: 4 }
  • Phone, String A string
  • ValueSelect - A string that matches the value of one of the ValueSelect field's selectable options
  • MultiValueSelect - An array of strings that exist in the MultiValueSelect field's selectable options

The submittedValues field in the response contains the submitted feedback in an object where the key is the path of the field and the value is the value submitted for that field.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!